On your bulletin board, of course!
Every freelancer’s office needs at least one bulletin board. My dear hubby mounted my bulletin board for me on the wall above my work desk, and it is precious to me.
What should every freelance editor have on their bulletin board?
Sources of encouragement. I have two very positive comments from clients on my board; I cut them out of email printouts. As many restaurants pin their first dollar to their wall, so these comments serve as encouragement and affirmation to me.
Credentials. On my board is pinned a certificate of completion from the Intermediate Copyediting class I took back in the fall (for the record, I am taking the Advanced class beginning at the end of this month).
Important lists. These may or may not, in my opinion, be related to one’s work (although some may say that everything on a bulletin board should be related to work). I have a couple of lists that have more to do with my personal life but are on the board for one reason: so I do not lose them.
Weekly time reports, if one uses a timekeeping program like Toggl (the one I prefer). Then, at the end of the month, I simply take them off the board and use them to write up monthly invoices, after which time they get filed.
At least one thing that is colorful. One of my dear friends sent me a postcard a little while back that had a drawing of a rainbow on it and the words “Better Days Ahead.” Definitely a good thing to have around during such horrific times as these in our world. It’s also inspiring and encouraging to look up from my chair and see it.
What do you have on your bulletin board, if you have one?